dsc-utils | Documentation
The most easy way to handle discord interactions like dropdowns, buttons and slash commands
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The most easy way to handle discord interactions like dropdowns, buttons and slash commands
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Here you have an example to create these components
const { Client } = require("discord.js")
const client = new Client()
const Utils = require("dsc-utils")
const utils = new Utils(client)
const token = "Your discord bot token" // https://discord.com/developers/applications
// Execute once the bot is logged in
client.on("ready", async () => {
// Create the command
const cmd = new utils.Command({
name: "welcome",
description: "Build a embed",
default_permission: true
// Create the options
const feeling = new utils.Option({
name: "feeling",
description: "How do you feel today",
type: "string"
// Add choices
new utils.Choice({
name: "Good",
value: "good"
new utils.Choice({
name: "It's okay",
value: "okay"
new utils.Choice({
name: "Not good",
value: "bad"
// Create one more option to test the ephemeral messages
const ephemeral = new utils.Option({
name: "ephemeral",
description: "Set the response to an ephemeral message",
type: "boolean"
// Add the options to the command
// Create the global command
console.log(await utils.global().createCommand(cmd))
* Discord is caching all global slash commands for 1 hour but to test the slash command immediately you need create a guild command:
* utils.guild("your guild id").createCommand(cmd)
// Run once a slash command got executed
client.on("commandExecuted", cmd => {
// Create a button
const button = new utils.Button({
label: "You're right",
style: "green",
ID: "my_id"
// Response to the interaction with the button
content: `You said you're feeling **${cmd.args.find(e => e.name == "feeling").value}**`,
components: [button],
ephemeral: cmd.args.find(e => e.name == "ephemeral").value
// Execute once a button got clicked
client.on("buttonClicked", btn => {
// Response to the button with a dropdown menu
content: "Last component :)",
components: [
new utils.Dropdown({
placeholder: "Placeholder",
min: 0,
max: 3,
options: [
new utils.DropdownOption({
label: "Label 1",
value: "Value 1",
description: "Description"
new utils.DropdownOption({
label: "Label 2",
value: "Value 2",
description: "Description",
default: true
new utils.DropdownOption({
label: "Label 3",
value: "Value 3",
description: "Description"
ID: "lel"
client.on("dropdown", dropdown => {
// Response to the dropdown selection with the selected value
dropdown.callback.post(`You selected ${dropdown.values.map(e => `\`${e}\``).join(" ")}`)