Button clicked
Receive the event
Once a user clicked on the button, we want to response too but with a dropdown menu this time
client.on("buttonClicked", btn => {
// Response to the button with a dropdown menu
content: "Last component :)", // the message content
components: [
new utils.Dropdown({
placeholder: "Placeholder", // custom placeholder text if nothing is selected, max 100 characters
min: 0, // the minimum number of items that must be chosen; default 1, min 0, max 25
max: 3, // the maximum number of items that can be chosen; default 1, max 25
options: [
new utils.DropdownOption({
label: "Label 1", // the user-facing name of the option, max 25 characters
value: "Value 1", // the dev-define value of the option, max 100 characters
description: "Description" // an additional description of the option, max 50 characters
new utils.DropdownOption({
label: "Label 2",
value: "Value 2",
description: "Description",
default: true
new utils.DropdownOption({
label: "Label 3",
value: "Value 3",
description: "Description"
ID: "lel" // a developer-defined identifier for the button, max 100 characters
Last updated
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