// Create a button
const button = new utils.Button({
label: "You're right", // text that appears on the button, max 80 characters
style: "green", // set the color (green, red, gray, blurple)
ID: "my_id" // a developer-defined identifier for the button, max 100 characters
// Let the bot think
await cmd.think()
setTimeout(() => {
// Response to the interaction with the button after 2.5 seconds
content: `You said you're feeling **${cmd.args.find(e => e.name == "feeling").value}**`, // adding the value of the "feeling" option
components: [button], // add the button
ephemeral: cmd.args.find(e => e.name == "ephemeral").value // response as an ephemeral if the user selected "yes"
}, 2500)
At the end, it should looks like this
client.on("commandExecuted", cmd => {
// Create a button
const button = new utils.Button({
label: "You're right", // text that appears on the button, max 80 characters
style: "green", // set the color (green, red, gray, blurple)
ID: "my_id" // a developer-defined identifier for the button, max 100 characters
// Response to the interaction with the button
content: `You said you're feeling **${cmd.args.find(e => e.name == "feeling").value}**`, // adding the value of the "feeling" option
components: [button], // add the button
ephemeral: cmd.args.find(e => e.name == "ephemeral").value // response as an ephemeral if the user selected "yes"
Take a look on the next page, to see how you can receive the event when a user clicks on the button